The Most Reverend Doctor Delbert L Jackson
Presiding Prelate of the
African Union Methodist Protestant Church & Connection
Coming unto the Most High God, Our Heavenly Father in whom we are ever grateful for His Holy Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit will we honor , praise, worship, and glorify Him always. Let the abundant grace and mercy from Almighty God abide with you now and forever for He has done great and extraordinary things during this past glorious and triumphant Year and the 22nd Century. Truly, the Lord has been again, most favorable unto the African Union Methodist Protestant Church and Connection. Throughout this past wonderful year, mercy and truth have met together while righteousness and peace have joined each other as His truth is still marching onward in the 22nd century - - - - -
The New Millennium.
Rejoicing in the Holy Spiritualism, I, graciously greet and cordially welcome all Honorable Bishops, Conference Elders, Presiding Elders, Council of Elders, First Lady Emeritus, Ministers, General Church Officers, Church Delegates, General Church Members and Friends to the 198th Annual Session of the national historic African Union First Colored Methodist Protestant Church and Connection of the United States of America and elsewhere. Enter joyfully now to magnify Almighty God and His angels, for purposely sustaining His Church upon the Solid Rock. Great is the ministry which the Lord accomplishes through His Holy Church. Even from the genesis, God has wrought through His people to bring blessings and hope to the world. This inception had its beginnings also in the original "Union Church of Africans" in September 1813, in Wilmington, Delaware. The Founding Father of this religious mission for African Americans and all God's children, in the midst of the peculiar institution "of slavery", was The Right Reverend Peter Spencer.
Grateful always should be our thanks for our long established tradition of reflection, rejuvenation of wisdom and knowledge, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, should yield us glorification and peace through The Holy Spirit. Moreover, this moves far beyond the yearly stewardship of reporting. Trust in God always to allow our fellowship and Christian associates during this Annual Conference to move us spiritually forward in faith while "striving for excellence in righteousness through Jesus Christ". Through, heretofore, churches universal, as well as The African Union Methodist Protestant Church and Connection, have been marked throughout the past century with diversity through the assignment of Satan's demons, we prayerfully with authority desire the steadfast presence, the leadership and guidance of The Holy Spirit to unify all feelings, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, deeds and actions through Jesus Christ. This holy unification is the single most ultimate and everlasting goal of the Church of God for kingdom building, through the Chief Bishop of our souls - - - Jesus, the Christ.
Finally, beloved brethren, we must adhere to the supreme will, authority, and power of the Holy Spirit, flowing forth abundant love and compassion through grace, mercy, and peace, despairing of nothing while hoping always for everything in prayer. Be of exceeding gladness and abundant happiness as we press toward the mark of the high prize of God through Jesus Christ while moving through this 199th Annual Conference Conference and the 22nd Century.
Rejoicing in Christ Always,
​The Most Reverend Doctor Delbert L. Jackson, Presiding Bishop