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Our Pastor:

Reverend Michael A. Davis, B.D., M.Div.


The Reverend Michael Antoine Davis was born in Washington DC, raised in Potomac, Maryland; the first of six siblings raised by parents Trina and Randy Davis, Sr. He was educated in the Montgomery County Public School System and the Woodstock Job Corp Center.

Michael received his early training in salvation at Faith Apostolic Temple in Gaithersburg, MD under then Bishop Howard D. Scales. After completing high school, he was called into ministry to fulfill the needs of youth and young adults and to be the spiritual catapult of young lives.

He attended Morgan State University for two years where he was a member of the world renowned Morgan State University Choir under the direction of the late Doctor Nathan Carter. While he enjoyed his years at Morgan, God had other plans for him. He went on to attend Trinity Evangelical Christian University- Universal Christian Ministries School of Theology, where he continued his education, earning a Master of Divinity. Reverend Davis aspires to continue towards a Doctoral degree, and is a firm believer that education should be ongoing.

After coming to Baltimore Michael was ordained a minister under the Faith Tabernacle Christian Center in 2001. From there God called him to West Falls Christian Community Church where he served as Minister of Music, Church Administrator, and Technical Director under the oversight of Bishop Doctor Ross M Jackson Sr. Reverend Davis was then called to expand his ministry, moving to United New Testament Church of God where he was called as an Associate Minister to serve the needs of the Youth and Young Adult Department.

His call to serve youth and young adults also lead him to a professional career in education. Michael served as an adjunct professor at Baltimore City Community College from 2006 through 2009. Since 2004 he has served as a special educator in the Howard County Public School system, where he currently teaches at Atholton High School.

In October of 2008 God called Michael to Mount Calvary AUMP church, a church destined for great things, where Reverend Davis made himself available as an instrument to be used as God saw fit. On August 7th, 2010 the Reverend Michael Davis married the beautiful Lady Candace Davis! In May 2012, God made major moves in the life of Reverend Davis!  Rev. Davis was elected to the National Education Association Board of Directors. In the same weekend, God elevated Reverend Davis again when he was appointed to pastor Mount Pleasant AUMP Church in Mardela Springs, MD; another part of the Lord's vineyard destined to produce great fruit. As Reverend Davis continues to make himself available to the Lord, God is moving Rev. Davis into position to change each and every life he encounters.





R- Reverence God not the man
E- Examine yourself
V-Value a healthy Relationship with God
E-Exalt God for He is Good all the time
R-Reveal yourself to God and let him use you
E- Express your love for God through Praise, Prayer, Worship and Sacrifice
N- Never doubt God
D- Devote yourself to the work and will of God

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